Poster Guidelines

Check out the list of posters and their corresponding abstracts that were featured at the 6IMDC!



Day-of Poster Session Information

  • Poster Session Hours: Tuesday, March 13th, 5:15 pm – 7:30 pm
  • Poster Session Location: Garden Pavilion
  • Perusing the Posters: Each poster has been assigned a number and will be grouped with other posters within the same track with a similar theme. Poster numbers were displayed prominently on the posters. A list of posters (with poster numbers) was published in the conference program book and assisted with conference attendees in finding a particular poster.

Poster Session Guidelines

Poster dimensions cannot exceed 45 inches x 45 inches (114.3 cm by 114.3 cm). Each poster presenter will be sharing a 4’H x ~ 8’W poster board with one other presenter (see diagram). PLEASE NOTE: Your poster and poster materials cannot exceed 45 inches in width. Pushpins will be provided onsite to hang posters.
The poster presentation should cover the material as described in the abstract. The poster title should be the same as the title submitted with the abstract and displayed prominently at the top of the poster to allow viewers to easily identify your poster. Presenters were required to be present at their poster for the duration of the poster session.

A diagram of two poster that are 45 inches in height by 45 inches in width, next to each other on an easel.


Poster Suggestions and Tips

  • Please provide author’s names and contact information on the poster. This will allow people to follow up if they are interested in more information.
  • Keep content simple and provide a clear message. Please use an appropriate size font, so that it is legible 3 - 5 feet (~1 - 1.5 meters) from the poster board. Figures, tables, and diagrams should also be legible from this distance.
  • Consider putting a picture of yourself on the poster so people can identify you at the conference.
  • Consider your audience. Keep in mind the diverse mix of conference attendees, including people representing a variety of vocations (scientists, educators, industry, policy, students, etc.) and attendees coming from many countries.
  • To minimize waste, please consider business cards for follow up correspondence in lieu of printed poster handouts

Additional Poster Resources:

Questions of concerns? Contact for more information.