
Zero Waste

Zero Waste Principle

7IMDC seeks to uphold the zero waste principle of reducing the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserving and recovering all resources. Hosting a zero waste conference is possible and requires the organizers to take the lead in upholding sustainability and ensuring that products and services are designed and managed in a manner that eliminates all discharges to land, water and air.

The 7IMDC zero waste goals are to:

  • Target the highest waste generating components of the conference including advertising and promotion, communication materials, stage set production and food and beverages.
  • Refuse and eliminate the use of single-use items. If an item cannot be refused, it will be composted, recycled or reused.
  • Reduce/limit the quantities of items required. Only necessary and required quantities will be procured. Any item in excess will be returned or distributed or composted, for example for leftover food, it will be distributed amongst soup kitchens or taken to the food digesters.
  • Encourage the use of re-usable items by ensuring that re-usable items are available.
  • Raise awareness among conference participants and the venue staff regarding zero waste initiatives and inspire similar efforts at future conferences and meetings.

7IMDC Zero-waste Policy Guide

Planning for a zero-waste conference should be started in advance. The following steps will guide the 7IMDC to realize its goal.

  • Ⅰ.  A team will develop the zero-waste framework, in collaboration with the conference venue/locality.
  • Ⅱ.  A Zero-waste framework will be developed and will identify sources and types of waste, the actions required to reduce waste, potential barriers for venue and participants, associated costs, methodology to measure success and communication channels to convey the message.
  • Ⅲ.  Alternatives for each component will be identified, for example vendors and the procurement deadlines.
  • Ⅳ.  Duties will be assigned in collaboration with the ground staff.

During the conference, the zero-waste framework will be communicated with the attendees and all the efforts will be monitored and reported.
Post the 7IMDC, feedback will be collected from the attendees, the success of the framework will be determined, and the results will be shared with the attendees.

Components of the 7IMDC and respective zero-waste efforts

Online Conference

  • All conference communications have been and will be primarily electronic (e.g. electronic email invitations, use of the conference app during the conference, use of ExOrdo platform for abstract submittal and review, etc.).
  • All conference materials (e.g. the Book of Abstracts, powerpoint presentations, etc.) are provided digitally via the Ex-Ordo platform and the associated 7IMDC app to reduce printed materials.
  • Attendees can access all conference documents digitally using their laptop or mobile device, so material does not need to be printed.


  • Attendees are encouraged to bring reusable items to reduce the use of single-use items, such as using a personal water bottle. Each attendee will be provided a reusable coffee mug at the beginning of the conference.
  • Attendees are encouraged to bring a pen and notepad if they are desired, as these items will not be distributed at the conference. Electronic notetaking is encouraged on smart devices and in the app.
  • Attendees are encouraged to use public transportation; the BEXCO conference center is 30 meters away from the subway station and is also accessible via 15 different bus lines.
  • Conference attendee badges will be made of recyclable material (e.g., cardboard) and if attendees return their badge after the event so they will be recycled.

Conference Venue & Communication materials

  • Digital Signage and technology will be used throughout the venue. Attendees can check the schedule and other conference information using electronic standing monitors and room sign monitors.
  • Trash stations will be available on each floor, with options for recycling. Attendees should pay close attention to signs and ask conference staff for help if they are unsure of where something belongs.
  • Water refill stations will be available in front of each session room and on every floor. Attendees are encouraged to use their own refillable travel cup or souvenir mug.
  • The BEXCO conference center will not provide paper towels in the restrooms. Attendees are instead requested to carry and use the souvenir hand towel provided when they arrive.
  • The 7IMDC will print Posters at no cost if authors provide an electronic file for printing before the deadline. Poster boards used by the 7IMDC will be composed of cardboard or recyclable paper, and printed withenvironmentally friendly ink. All posters printed by the 7IMDC will be recycled after the conference (if not removed by the author). Attendees bringing their own posters to the conference will be encouraged to have them printed using recyclable and sustainable components, and identify them as such so they can be recycled after the conference.
  • The exhibition booths will be constructed of cardboard and will be reused or recycled after the conference.
  • Fliers, programmes and other conference materials will not be printed. If printing is necessary, only the required quantities will be printed, and post-consumer recycled paper or tree-free alternatives will be used.

Advertising and promotion

  • The Korea Ocean Foundation and the Norwegian Embassy in Korea have provided inspiring photos for viewing at the conference. The photo banners will not only be recycled as bags subsequent to the conference, but will also help provide jobs for local vulnerable social groups.

Food and beverages

  • A vegetarian menu is planned to be available.
  • Attendees are encouraged to only take what they can eat, and not leave leftovers. Any food leftovers will not be wasted but instead collected and used as livestock feed according to common practice in the Republic of Korea.
  • Food service ware and dinner service ware will be plastic-free and reusable. If single-use is to be used, it will be made of a certified bio-compostable material.
  • Reusable lunch boxes will be provided for the Luncheon Networking meeting events. Attendees are requested to return the trays and associated utensils for reuse according to the guidance from the conference center staff.
  • Attendees will be requested to carry reusable water bottles and water filters will be placed over the conference venue. Mindful that one may forget to carry a bottle, reusable glasses will be provided.
  • Cloth napkins will be used instead of paper napkins. If paper napkins must be used, they will be made of post-consumer recycled material.
  • As a 7IMDCsouvenir, attendees will be provided one reusable mug that can be used throughout the conference and taken home. This can be used for coffee and tea provided during breaks and meals at the conference.


  • The official hotels of the 7IMDC (Centum Premier Hotel, FELIX by STX Hotel & Suite) will not provide single-use amenities. Attendees are requested to bring their own travel kit (or ask at the hotel front desk if necessary if needed).